On this blog you are able to follow my degree project(master thesis in Bioinformatics) which have the title Pharmaceutical knowledge retrieval through reasoning of ChEMBL RDF.
My supervisor is Egon Willighagen, http://chem-bla-ics.blogspot.com/.


måndag 1 mars 2010

Update post

I have so many half-finished sub-project that I don't have anything interesting to blog about hence my update post!

My sub-projects:

Looking into other syntax languages, especially Manchester OWL syntax. In Journal Club we read the article Towards pharmacogenomics knowledge discovery with the semantic web and encountered the Manchester syntax language. I will blog about it when I'm done. And speaking of Journal Club I'm also writing a review together with Jonathan. And have to find time to read the next article....

Moss Manager needs to be rearranged since the net.bioclipse.rdf plug-in no longer returns lists of arraylist. It now amazingly returns String Matrices which will make things so much easier especially when I'm only interested in the SMILES part of the SPARQL outcome.

I'm also working on a presentation that I'm going to present on Thursday 4/3. I will try to put it up here afterwards. It's about the background and status of this project. (Spend hours on creating a gantt chart in excel..well I'm not friends with excel anymore..)

And last I'm trying to structure up a new bioclipse plug-in for drug/compound, target and other valuable info retrieval i.e. query ChEMBL in a effective and powerful way with SPARQL.

To learn from this post, use TODO lists =0)

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