MoSS as I probably mentioned a couple of times before is a molecular substructure mining software produced by Christian Borgelt, I implemented that application for Bioclipse in 2008,, and I'm now making use of my own application.
As my chEMBL work is coming along I'm at the moment working on a specific working flow, "from chEMBL to MoSS". With the functionality of SPARQL I am now via java methods accessing compounds from various Kinase protein familes. A method could look like something like this
public IStringMatrix MossProtFamilyCompounds(String fam, String actType)
throws BioclipseException{
String sparql =
"PREFIX chembl:
" chembl:classL5 ?fam. " +
" ?assay chembl:hasTarget ?target . " +
" ?activity chembl:onAssay ?assay ;" +
" chembl:type ?actType ; " +
" chembl:forMo
" ?mol bo:smiles ?smiles. " +
" FILTER regex(?fam, " + "\"^" + fam + "$\"" + ", \"i\")."+
" FILTER regex(?
" }";
IStringMatrix matrix = rdf.sparqlRemote("",sparql);
Inside this java method there is a SPARQL query which is a string named sparql. It is possible to run a query like this due to the rdf project done by Egon. I use that feature when I call rdf.sparqlRemote, what that command basically do is accessing the SPARQL endpoint(URL) with my query which is made into a String. So for this to work an internet connection must exist.
I will try to find something that can check if such a connection exist or not to improve the use of the application(no connection -> no search).
The compounds are saved into a file supported by MoSS. This makes it possible for MoSS to run on the compounds drawn from the chEMBL database. Also a java script environment is available.
The pictures shows(top) the moss-chembl wizard and (bottom) the moss wizard.
The moss-chembl applications is dynamic which means that you can search for wanted compounds and look at them directly. This ease the work a lot! Also to be mentioned is that the compounds are at the moment only compounds that bind to a protein in a Kinase Family.
When a preferred data set is chosen moss will read in the data and now you are able to perform a substructure mining on them!
Next problem to manage Visualization...